pole work

Old English Hop Varieties for Home Brewing

I have put together a Special Blend of Old English Hop Varieties for home brewing. I might be sticking my neck out, but it is a risk I wanted to take, to try out something original and hopefully offer a fresh concept to the home brewer. After all it is hop-picking time and it’s easy to get carried away breathing in all that heady hop aroma all day!

Blending – well they do it with tea, whiskey and wine, so why not for beer? Slightly off piste? Not really, commercial brewers do it all the time by mixing their chosen hops in the brew tank!

So new for this year we are offering for the first time our unique Special Blend of Old English Hop Varieties for home brewing.  This Special Aromatic Blend contains a selection of the following 5 heritage Old English aroma hop varieties, Mathon (1729), Cobbs (1881), White Grapes (1822), Early Bird (1887), with a few young Fuggle hops (1875) popped in for good measure. These historically important hop varieties were picked and then mixed well before drying in a traditional oast house.

In the 1919 book ‘English Hops’ by George Clinch, he describes each of these Old English Varieties as having good flavour and/or aroma favoured by brewers.  Julian Healey also gives an account of these varieties from a brewing perspective, in his informative and excellent modern day ‘Hops List’.

At a Bushel of Hops we are growing modern and heritage hops specifically for the home brewer. It is the selection of hop varieties in this blend that is unusual. They are hard to source as apart from Fuggles, rarely grown commercially today. I hope this specific blend of old english hop varieties for home brewing will appeal to a few more adventurous home brewers.  This blend is a trail run only, therefore limited to only 8 x 100gm packs which will be available once the shop is open at the beginning of October.

If the mix does generate a little interest then it could be repeated next year. As well as individual hop varieties I would like to offer a couple more special blends next year – I already have some exciting ideas for combinations of different heritage hop varieties. Perhaps a ‘20th Century Aromatic Variety Mix’? or maybe a pick of varieties with a shared parent? Each chosen combination would be very different to each other.

Meanwhile, whilst on this historically hop growing theme, I was sent a photo recently which Jane took whilst in Denmark this summer. I didn’t know anyone still grew hops on the pole system. A delightful image, grown like this they look like a really neat fairy-tale hop forest, reminiscent of how they were grown here before the permanent wirework system prevailed.

pole work

For more pictures of pole work scroll down to photos 6 and 7 on this link. They were taken in Davenport, Delaware County, USA, coincidentally around the same time as the hops chosen for our Special Old English Hop Blend were also being grown here in UK. If you like old rural photographs you will probably enjoy looking through the whole link.

hop-dog caterpillar

The Hop-Dog Caterpillar

hop-dog caterpillarThe hop plant is host to the hop-dog caterpillar and we are very happy to report that there has been an increase in sightings of these caterpillars this year. It is lovely to see them increasing in numbers..…I wonder was it the weather conditions this summer or just luck in spotting them? But as I am working in the hops one downside of this is that I have not been able to take the time out to photograph these caterpillars as I would have liked to, one would always turn up at the most inconvenient moment!

The hop-dog caterpillar holds fond memories for hop-pickers from the hand-picking days. Children enjoyed finding them with their yellow furry bodies and distinctive red tails. Warnings that they would give you a nasty rash if picked up, probably saved many a little creature from well intentioned over-handling! I have of course included them on the Hop Toile fabric as they deserve their place in the ‘hop story’.
The little fellow shown here below had amazingly been right through the hop-picking machine,  before being shelved from a full poke and miraculously landing safe and sound on top of the bed of hops in the kiln of the oast house. Luckily he was spotted and rescued before drying of that particular load began. If he’d been cat he would have used up all his nine lives in this one adventure!

We like to see them and don’t consider them pests, we certainly haven’t noticed any damage done by them. After all a mature lush hop garden is a pretty copious and abundant environment with plenty of leaves to go around.

hop-picking, hop-dog host

For some extra images and information about the hop-dog caterpillar see this blog post by Doug Mackenzie Dodds. He has taken the photos I wished I had taken, and not even in a hop garden!

I would like to spot the grown-up version of the hop-dog now, the excellently camouflaged Pale Tussock moth. Earlier this year I did see two equally well camouflaged moths, a pair of poplar hawk moths mating on our car wheel. Their camouflage proved pretty hopeless against the black background, which actually made them stand out.

Keyworth Early Heritage Hop Variety

Heritage Hop Varieties for The Home Brewer

This year’s Modern and Heritage Hop Varieties for the home brewer have been selected, all that remains now is to complete picking, drying and packing them all. Hop-picking is always an exciting busy time but nothing can be guaranteed until the crop is safely in the bag, quite literally!

The four varieties offered in the draw earlier this year, as expected were all very different once in hop. For consistent performance, the star of the show this year has to be the Northern Brewer hop variety. The setts grew away before the other varieties and it was the first variety of the four to come into hop. The individual hops grew out well and definitely had the largest cones. The 20 Northern Brewer plants were picked at the beginning of last week.  Below Northern Brewer hops.

Norhtern Brewer Hop variety

First Gold hops on conveyor

The First Gold hop variety which was Ashley’s choice as winner, were also looking good at the back end of the growing season. As the only dwarf variety, the bines may have been short but they more that made up for this lack of stature by being covered with hops top to toe.    So that kilo of dried hops for the  winner was secured this week. Hurray, I am hugely relieved and hope Ashley is pleased with them and has enjoyed his year following their progress as a virtual hop grower.

The only downside was the picking which wasn’t even a problem.  The hop machine was designed to pick tall hop varieties, so picking those shorter bines meant the first 2.5 foot did not get picked properly. This was easily rectified by putting the bines through the machine again upside down!

First gold hops on the kiln

The Bullion hops definitely had the bona fide Bullion aroma early on, they were the first of the varieties to have a nose to them. They have grown away well and like the Northern Brewer all the plants grew evenly throughout the year. They were picked along with the Northern Brewer at the beginning of last week.

However the Chinook hop variety also chosen with home brewer in mind were the slowest of these four offered to grow away this Spring, they were also the last to come into burr. I will not pick these this year but allow them to ‘grow and blow’ so they can gain strength for next year. The full-on aroma of the Chinook hops is quite powerful. But then it should have some oomph, after all it is the Brew Dog’s number 1 favourite hop.

All the photos below were taken on 22nd August so you can clearly compare the differences between them at that stage. Clockwise from the top left are Northern Brewer, Chinook, First Gold and Bullion.
heritage hop varieties for the home brewerThis has not been a ‘normal’ growing year. However, the long cold wet spring with little sunshine did help the young hops establish simply because the ground stayed moist for longer than usual.  Generally, across most varieties we noticed the burr was slower dropping out into hop. This was probably due to the combination of very dry conditions combined with the sudden very hot sunshine at that crucial time, but that is this year and every year is different.

Another of the Heritage hop varieties for the home brewer is the Keyworth Early variety, the swirled rosette shaped ends of these cones are pretty. This variety was also picked this week.

Heritage Hop variety Keyworth Early

I have often wished there was a reference book for the different hop varieties. Julian Healey’s ‘Hops List’ has ticked that box, he has listed 265 different hop varieties from a brewing perspective.   He set himself a pretty awesome task to brew and taste all those hops.  It is available as an ibook or for Kindle via Amazon, who described The Hops List as ‘the world’s most comprehensive hop dictionary’.  I don’t own a kindle and being a bookworm prefer to sit down with a cup of tea and browse, so will await the paper version with anticipation.

At the end of hop picking I will list any other heritage hop varieties for the home brewer which have been picked.  Some varieties will be in very limited quantities so it will be on a first come first served basis.  This seasons hops will be ready for despatch from beginning October onwards. 2015 hops are no longer available.

relief for hoppyitus

It’s Hop-picking Time and an Outbreak of ‘Hoppyitus’

It’s hop-picking time again and with it comes the usual seasonal outbreak of ‘Hoppyitus’.

Whilst the majority of people have complete immunity from this condition, for the few who do contract it, it is completely incurable.  Once you succumb, it is for life. Hoppyitus is a recurring disease, it can occur at any time of the year but the highest incidence is always in September at hop-picking time.

A foggy ‘hop-picking’ morning in late August carrying with it the scent of the hops is a certain trigger for an attack. Even Rudyard Kipling wrote about it.  There is no known cure, a walk through a hop garden may help a tad but for the serious cases, the only real relief is secured from a spell of hop-picking.

Those who cannot come picking for what ever reason often gravitate to the oast house during this season. Attracted like the Bisto Kids they will linger a while to soak up the atmosphere, any traditional oast house is a very special place during the harvest.  A natter, a sniff and poke at the dried hops suffices.

hop-picking time, a cure for hoppyitus

Some happy hoppers for the time being relieved of their Hoppyitus.

happy hop-pickersAll photographs for this post were taken by Dave Berry and used with his kind permission.


hoppy hearts

Hop Fabric Designs for a Shepherd’s Hut

The odd wet day earlier this season meant I could play with our hop fabric designs and managed some remarkably guilt free summer sewing time!    Those gloomy days meant there were some silver liningmagical silver linings within those cloudy skies.

Shepherd's HutI really wanted to use the latest Hop Fabric designs in cotton poplin supplied by Woven Monkey  to make curtains for Liz and Andrew’s Shepherd’s Hut. Attached here are the pictures of the two small windows, they each use a slightly different version of this stripy design. It is always nice to have an excuse to make up a few cushions, so a cushion made with the green and white toile completed this ‘happy-hoppy’ ensemble. As ever I am extremely appreciative of Sylvie’s magic digital graphic design skills.

hop fabric designs, stripy hop design fabric, hop fabric by a bushel of hopss

A few other examples of the things made earlier in the year with some of our hop fabrics. Door stops – I got carried away visualising large rustic doors so these aren’t dainty, they are best described as fit for purpose – ‘heavy’!

Hop fabric designs by a bushel of hops. hop fabric designs

Other odd and ends stitched up were a set of place mats with the hop tile fabric and a mixed medley of beer mats to personalise that gift of a special bottle of beer.

Hop Tile fabric, Beer mats made with Hop fabrics

I also completed my latest quilt project, ‘When Grandmother was a Girl’  from a pattern by Judy Gray

Granmother's Jug
It was made mostly from scraps I already had, favourite colours left over from other projects. The scrap pile hasn’t gone down – I am sure those fabric scraps breed! Doing this portable appliqué project over the last 8 months has been a pleasure, but although I really enjoyed piecing this up I did not want to do the quilting. The solution and always a special treat was to have Debbie Holland quilt it for me on her super duper ‘long-arm’ quilting machine.  Debbie produces beautifully detailed quilting to enhance and customise any project.  It feels like Christmas waiting to collect it, I  am always impatient to see the finished article.

quilting detailneed new specs!The result is I have already missed having this easy appliqué project but have an idea for another one. This time round the blocks will be smaller and just as before easily carried in a small bag.  It is surprising how much you can get done by only sewing for the odd few minutes now and then.  At least waiting isn’t boring anymore.

Beginning to think new specs could be needed!

Massey Ferguson 187 Combine

Our little Massey Ferguson 187 Combine has done a sterling job once again.

massey fergason 187 RichardAlongside today’s larger sleeker combines she may look like a joke with her 7 foot cutting head, but she is feisty, although undeniably grubby and tricky to handle. No matter, the all important resulting end grain sample is equal if not better than many of the samples from these more modern sophisticated combines.  The 187 does her job well.

PicMonkey Collage (19)Over the last ten years little has had to be done, other that general servicing, but this year the two jobs we knew should have been dealt with, did not get done. This was because of work needed on the Allaeys Hop Picking Machine. Ironically, neither of these half-expected breakdowns happened. They say it is a ladies prerogative to change her mind, instead she had two creatively unexpected breakdowns up her sleeve.

Richard with MF 187First was the main drum-drive belt. We were very grateful that our clever local combine engineer was able to replace this promptly with out much ado. However, with rain imminent the second breakdown needed a speedy running repair. Full credit has to go to my husband Richard for this very practically inspired repair and to the combine for being basically engineered. This could not have been so simply achieved on one of the large computer programmed combines,  so she won the day and completed the harvest for another year.IMGP4429 - Version 2

The solution was an oak board sawn up, then wedged and wired into place to replace the worn fan bearing and housing. This Heath Robinson assembly was then all well greased-up, it allowed the shaft to be held centrally,  between two boards as if in the stocks, long enough for the little Massey Ferguson 187 Combine to complete a whole day of harvesting.  Luckily it was the last day!

Massey Fergason 187 combine
Triumphantly on her way to the shed,

combine all done

and with straw hanging out she looked a bit like a horse returned to it’s stable.

end of harvest

dusty carsToday it has rained putting pay to harvesting for the time being.

The colours in the countryside have changed from the lush greens of May to golden harvest browns. Dusty cars used at harvest will need to be washed off and straw bales are being gathered in as quickly as possible for winter storage.

PicMonkey Collage (15)

The hops in the valley are the only green harvest remaining for this year.

aug valley view

Meanwhile in the hop gardens the bines are putting out laterals as if they want to hold hands with each other accross the hop alleys. In the sunshine clumps of hemp-agrimony attract clusters of pollinating insects.

hop laterals, hemp agrimony

‘Look out’ Deer About

deer in corn ad 2


Harvest is well underway but with deer about, although everything looks fine and dandy, all is not quite as it appears from the ground. Once on a combine harvester, you are above the crop and can see the many trails left by deer wandering around.   Corn ears are eaten and large areas can be trampled and squashed where they lay down with yields being adversely affected.

PicMonkey Collage (6)Their present large numbers are a scourge for growers and woodland alike.   Fruit trees are damaged as the deer go after the ripening fruit.  Groups of deer roam freely between different farms at will, thereby making a mockery of Stock Movement Records on local farms.

While we might all agree they are truly beautiful creatures,  when there are too many in any one area they become vermin.  On a serious health note with more deer about the risk of can catching Lymes Disease from the tics they carry increases too.

I don’t think they can like the taste of hops,  damage in the hop gardens seems to be reserved for generally trashing plants. One plant or a small area will appear to be singled out then destroyed by butting and dancing around and on them.  Often you will only find the remnants of bines and broken strings all in a mushy heap around the hop hill. Occasionally if a stag is surprised he will take off, his antlers catching and breaking hop strings as he goes.


deer about. butted hops plant

inside an Allaeys hop machine

Hop Harvester

The last major job this year on the Allaeys hop harvester was cleaning the lateral picking fingers and replacing any that were missing. It was one of those ‘just jobs’ which ended up taking days to complete.

Any hop harvester has two basic functions, to pick and then clean the crop. At the front of this Allaeys hop picking machine are sets of horizontal rotors which strip the whole hop bines as they are pulled between them via a track. The Allaeys hop machine is unusual with this horizontal system, most hop picking machines have vertical rotors to pick.  Below looking into the mouth of the machine.
the mouth of the picking mahcineAfter passing through these first pairs of picking rotors where the bines are stripped of everything, you are left with a mix of some single hops but mostly a mass of laterals and small bunches. Single hops will drop through the chain belt onto a canvas conveyor belt below, whilst the laterals (branches) and bunches all still need be picked. These  are conveyed  on a chain link belt along to the lateral picker.

Below inside the beating heart of the Allaeys hop machine, not an easy workspace is an understatement.PicMonkey Collage (9)The lateral picker like the main picker section is also horizontal, and this lateral picker lies behind the first main rotary pickers. This lateral picker comprises of a static frame with a set of 4 fixed bars of picking fingers, above a rotor with 8 bars of picking fingers, the lateral is fed through between the static and rotary bars.

Below are the fingers and bars before renovation.lateral picking fingers before cleaning

Below from top left clockwise are 1 – spare fingers, 2 – the static frame all ready to go back inside the hop harvester, 3 – the static frame being slid back into the main hop picking machine on its rails and 4 – a close up of the replaced fingers to show how they are joined by springs and fixed with a metal bar bolted to the wooden bar.  These wooden bars are then bolted to the metal rotor.hop machine, hop harvester

These actual picking fingers or ‘midnight’ fingers (I have no idea why they are known by this name) are made of rotor modssteel wire and as they do the grunt of the work, they can take a pounding especially with mature hops, hence this year they needed a general service, cleaned of pollen build up and any missing fingers replaced. The static top frame slides out easily enough on rails but to get the rotor out of the machine was easier said than done! As always with older hop picking machines a few modifications have been made – one shown right – this time to make it easier to remove these bars individually in the future, rather than taking out the whole rotor assembly. Now it is done it all looks really good and we can’t wait to see how it picks the hops.  Below the renovated lateral picking bars ready for reassemby

renovated picking finger bars

For anyone interested after the picking, the cleaning is done in two sections by a combination of fans and belts, hopefully at the end you will have a beautiful clean sample of single hop cones. Essentially large fans blow out the leaf and pimply rubber belts do the final cleaning. The basic principal of the belts is that they run at approximately 45 degree angle, the whole hop cones roll down onto a conveyor and the strig and any remaining bits of leaf stick onto the pimply rubber thereby being moved out of the machine as waste. By the end you have two conveyors one with the clean hops ready to be dried and the other with the unwanted plant waste. The coir string used for the hops to climb up is also a plant product, therefore it will naturally biodegrade along with the hop plant waste.

It is tempting fate of course, but this is definitely the last ‘planned’ servicing job for this year! But should we ever feel complacent, I always imagine Willie Wonka around a corner ready to go ‘Surprise’ and throwing a new challenge into the ring !!

I saw this portable hop machine on the internet, it uses rubber picking fingers instead of the usual metal wire ‘V’ ones.  It would be really interesting to see it in real life.

This British Pathe film from 1950 shows a hop harvester working.


Hop Burr

This time of year, when the hop burr forms then morphs  into young hops, is really satisfying.  It’s always good to see the first young hops which are usually Phoenix, but this year these have been beaten by the aptly named July Hop, with Northern Brewer a close runner up. But nature has had the last laugh as I did a cross to trial a new hop, selecting the 4 strongest seedlings to plant out last winter for a final selection this year and all 4 have now shown themselves to be male hops!  Ho hum, it’s back to square one!

As well as being an exciting time for any grower, the appearance of the hop burr also gives us a more accurate idea of a start date for hop picking, the saying goes ‘Three weeks in burr, Three weeks in hop’.

Below the burr of the 4 varieties offered as prizes in our draw earlier this year.  Clockwise from the top left is First Gold, Bullion, Chinook then the Northern Brewer shown as both burr and young hops.

hop burr


The July Hop and Keyworth Early taken on 24th July

PicMonkey Collage (2)

Now it is time to toast the first of this new seasons hops with a very special delivery brought to us this week from Cornwall!  Cheers and a big thank you to Lorna and Paul.

beer in the sun